"In 1893, the community inaugurated a new synagogue on Toensbergerstrasse...By the late 1920s, the community could no longer gather enough men for a minyan. The remaining Jews traveled to Bielefeld for synagogue services, using their own synagogue for funerals...In July 1938, the synagogue was sold to a local resident. The former house of worship was attacked on Pogrom Night, but a local Nazi leader prevented its destruction, citing the fact that the building was no longer owned by Jews...Remodeled as an art gallery in 1979 and 1985, the synagogue building now bears a memorial plaque."
Nurit Borut
Copyright: Pogrom Night 1938 - A Memorial to the Destroyed Synagogues of Germany/ Germansynagogues.com


Sources: Die Geschichte der Oerlinghauser Synagoge von 1803 bis 1995 [pamphlet] Stadt Oerlinghausen [Ed.], [publisher] Heka Verlag, 1995., “...dennoch Menschen von Gott erschaffen.” Die jüdische Minderheit in Lippe von den Anfängen bis zur Vernichtung, Dina van Faassen, Jürgen Hartmann [Eds.], [publisher] Bielefeld Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 1991., PK Pinkas HaKehillot Germania/ פנקס הקהילות גרמניה (Hebrew), [published by] Yad Vashem, 1992: North West Germany

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