"In 1888, after much deliberation, the community decided to build a synagogue in St. Johann; construction commenced that year and, in November 1890, the community inaugurated a new synagogue whose congregation was liberal in orientation...[in 1919] the liberal congregation, unable to accommodate the large High Holiday crowds in its synagogue, rented an additional prayer hall for that purpose... On November 8, 1938 (one day before Pogrom Night), Nazis destroyed the synagogue’s furniture and lamps. The synagogue was invaded three times on Pogrom Night itself; its ritual objects and interior were destroyed, after which the building was burned to the ground."
Nurit Borut
Copyright: Pogrom Night 1938 - A Memorial to the Destroyed Synagogues of Germany/ Germansynagogues.com


Sources: Die Geschichte der Juden im Saarland: Vom Ancien Regime bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg, Albert Marx, [publisher] Die Mitte, 1992., Der November-Pogrom 1938 in Saarbrücken, Marion Mueller-Knoblauch and Gernot Tybol, [publisher] Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken, Kulturamt, 1988., , Dokumentation zur Geschichte der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland von 1800 bis 1945,[published by] Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz in cooperation with the Landesarchiv Saarbrücken in ten volumes between 1972-1997., The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust, Shmuel Spector [Ed.], [publisher] Yad Vashem and the New York University Press, 2001., Führer durch die Jüdische Gemeindeverwaltung und Wohlfahrtspflege in Deutschland 1923-1933, Andreas Nachama, Simon Hermann [Eds.], [publisher] Edition Hentrich, 1995.

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