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Reckhammerweg Cemetery

"The city was also home to... [a Jewish cemetery] on Reckhammerweg (1885-1991)." Heidemarie Wawzryn Copyright: Pogrom Night 1938 - A...

Added Feb 17, 2020

Weberstrasse Synagogue

"In 1808, a new synagogue was inaugurated on Weberstrasse (present-day Gerswidastrasse). A Moorish-style synagogue was built on the same site...

Added Feb 17, 2020

Essen Old synagogue

"[In] 1913... the community inaugurated yet another house of worship, the so-called “Old Synagogue,” at 29 Steeler Strasse. The Old...

Added Feb 17, 2020


First Jewish presence: 13th century; peak Jewish population: 5,045 in 1932/33 The earliest available records of a Jewish presence in...

Added Feb 17, 2020

Eschweiler New Synagogue

"Services were conducted in Weisweiler until September 18, 1891, when Rabbi Dr. Frank inaugurated a synagogue on Neustrasse (present-day 17...

Added Feb 17, 2020


First Jewish presence: 1750; peak Jewish population: 166 in 1885; Jewish population in 1933: 107 Prior to the establishment of...

Added Feb 17, 2020

Erwitte Old Cemetery

"Nineteenth-century Erwitte Jews also maintained an old cemetery on Gografenstrasse (approximately 160 feet from the local castle)... In 1958, after...

Added Feb 16, 2020


First Jewish presence: 1660 (two Jews); peak Jewish population: unknown; Jewish population in 1933: 32 (in June) Additional Jewish population...

Added Feb 16, 2020


First Jewish presence: 1852; peak Jewish population: unknown; Jewish population in 1933: unknown In 1852, a Jewish tanner named Jacob...

Added Feb 16, 2020

Epe Synagogue

"In 1907, the community inaugurated a synagogue on 5 Wilhelmstrasse; the brick building accommodated approximately 50 worshipers, a balcony for...

Added Feb 16, 2020


First Jewish presence: unknown (see below); peak Jewish population: unknown; Jewish population in 1933: unknown Although Jews may have settled...

Added Feb 16, 2020


First Jewish presence: 1783; peak Jewish population: 59 in 1885 (10% of the total population); Jewish population in 1933: unknown...

Added Feb 16, 2020


First Jewish presence: 1703; peak Jewish population: 68 in 1871; Jewish population in 1933: 43 The first available record of...

Added Feb 14, 2020

Eitorf Cemetery

"They did manage to open their own cemetery in 1918" Esther Sarah Evans Copyright: Pogrom Night 1938 - A Memorial...

Added Feb 14, 2020


First Jewish presence 1810-1820; peak Jewish population: unknown; Jewish population in 1933: unknown The first Jewish family to settle in...

Added Feb 14, 2020

Duisburg-Ruhrort Synagogue

"August 13, 1841, when a synagogue was inaugurated at 21 Landwehrstrasse...The synagogue was heavily damaged in the pogrom of November...

Added Feb 13, 2020